Iris XE (4200Mhz DDR4) vs MX550 DDR6 Laptop



Intel Iris Graphics 550 review 评估 - Benchmarks

正在考虑升级? 使用3DMark 游戏玩家的基准测试,来了解您的PC 与Intel Iris Graphics 550 review在性能上的对比。 34.99 美元. 从Steam 上购买.

Intel Iris Graphics 550 评估 - Benchmarks

正在考虑升级? 使用3DMark 游戏玩家的基准测试,来了解您的PC 与Intel Iris Graphics 550在性能上的对比。 34.99 美元. 从Steam 上购买.

已解決:Iris Graphics 550 -

I have installed (3/18/2022) version of the Iris 550 driver, and the issue seems to be resolved now. Thank you!

Intel Iris Graphics 550 - Computers & Tablets

13-inch Laptop with Touch Bar, 2.9GHz Dual-core Intel Core i5, 8GB Memory, 256GB, Retina Display, Silver (Renewed)

支援Intel® Iris®顯示晶片550

尋找Intel® Iris®繪圖550 的支援資訊,其中可能包括精選內容、下載、規格或保固。

Intel Iris Graphics 550

The Iris Graphics 550 can be found in mobile processors specified at 28 W TDP and is therefore suited for medium-sized laptops and ultrabooks.

Intel HD Graphics 550 - GPU Compare

The Intel HD Graphics 550 will run 27% of the top 13,000 PC games. It will also run 7% of these games at the recommended or best experience levels.

Intel Iris Graphics 550 Mobile Specs

The Iris Graphics 550 Mobile is a mobile integrated graphics solution by Intel, launched on September 1st, 2015. Built on the 14 nm+ process, ...

Intel Iris Graphics 550 與Intel HD Graphics P530:哪個更好?

我們比較了兩個定位於集成顯卡的GPU:0System Shared顯存的Iris Graphics 550 與0System Shared顯存的HD Graphics P530 。您將了解兩者在主要規格、基準測試、功耗等 ...

PassMark - Intel Iris 550

Price and performance details for the Intel Iris 550 can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.



限時免費 Iris Pro 1.2.0 電腦螢幕護眼軟體工具

限時免費 Iris Pro 1.2.0 電腦螢幕護眼軟體工具
